Ranking Every Episode of Hilda Part 2

You can read part one of the episode ranking list here.

22. The Job: This episode finally introduces Hilda’s father. I like how they found a middle ground where Anders isn’t exactly a great role model but still loves his daughter. It would’ve been so easy to just make him a neglectful father but I’m really glad they didn’t and still made him likable.

21. The Draugen: I get the feeling Luke Pearson saw one of the Pirates of the Caribbean films and was like “I could do that”. The sea shanty tone was unique and the use of the ghost flute was a neat call back to a not-so-great episode. The woodman as always is great.

20. The Tide Mice: This episode shows that while Hilda’s heart is usually in the right place her recklessness and inability to think things through does lead to a lot of problems. The idea of around the tide mice and the side effects they have are legit creepy. Also, another great cameo from Kaisa.

19. The Windmill: The return of our favorite mad scientist and the introduction to her homemade (and creepy) nisse. I really like how the ending hints of what’s to come in season 3, but even if there wasn’t another season I like that it’s left up to your imagination of where Victoria is.

18. The Yule Lads: Fun fact: The writer of this episode Todd Casey was also one of the writers for Krampus 2015. Why do I feel like this was intentional? This is the closest the show has to a Christmas special. The Yule Lads are cool especially their leader Kertasnikir played by Andy Serkis.

17. The Storm: This is the fun adventure season 1 really needed especially after the Hilda/Frida rift that happened in the previous episode. The idea of weather spirits causing a snow storm just from petty arguing is really creative and funny. Victoria Van Gale is a neat and insane addition to the show.

16. The Stone Forest: I never understood why Hilda has a new look in this episode. Good way to conclude the Hilda/Johanna conflict while its cliffhanger ending also setting up the Mountain King. The titular location is a neat setting. The b-plot involving Erik and Hilda’s friends however kind of messes with the pacing.

15. The Train to Tofoten: Aunt Astrid is a very likable new addition to the show thanks to Miriam Margolyes’s performance. The kid’s older designs are neat, the woff’s nest scene was awesome and the summer setting is a neat change of pace. This episode along with season 3 has a huge sense of finality.

14. The Fairy Mound: This episode perfectly contrasts the previous laid-back, warm and happy feel with a more intense, threatening, and foreboding one. Fairy Country is a legit creepy location and it gets you excited to see what’s to come in the series finale. The scene where Johanna and Astrid fish is very touching.

13. The Midnight Giant: There’s such a twisted irony that Hilda went through all this trouble to not move only for her house to get destroyed. It’s also a clever way of showing exactly how the elves feel about her stepping their houses. A bittersweet ending that leads to a new beginning in Trollberg.

12. The Giantslayer: This episode missed a huge opportunity to have a cameo of Jorgen and Illus. Still the time travel was a brilliant way to let us see more giants before they left and a lot of them have unique designs. The titular character also works as a great foil for Hilda.

11. The Old Bells of Trollberg: I’ve seen many episodes about pollution but noise pollution is usually not talk about much, so seeing Hilda deal with this topic while also being a fun heist episode feels very unique. The new bell system brilliantly showcases the harm it causes not just to trolls but to all creatures.

Stay tuned for the top 10 BEST episodes of Hilda tomorrow.

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